

作者:陶永強(qiáng)     整理日期:2018-11-10 12:11:05

  robert frost said something else about poetry that contains very good advice for the translator: "poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words." therefore, the translator should use the words of the original poem as a guide to find the original feeling of the poet, then find similar words and prosodic devices in the target language to recreate that feeling. most traditional chinese poetry is what we call "occasional", commemorating any significant occasion, whether it be the joy of meeting an old friend, the sadness of saying goodbye, or the nostalgia of visiting a famous historical site. the occasion may be as grand as a victory celebration or as personal as noticing the first grey hair in the mirror. i view most clunese poems as a prosodic commemoration of a significant occasion m unforgettable words. i tlunk the challenge of the translator is to recreate the same feelings using unforgettable words in the target language.

上一本:王維資料匯編 下一本:金瓶梅與五蓮


